Tuesday, March 15, 2011

About me

Hi there!  My name is Laura and I am from a small town in South Carolina. I live at home with my wonderful three year old son, Jacob and our two dogs, Chevy and Bentley.  I tell ya, that kid keeps me clutching my sides and in tears from laughing! I have always loved to read, ever since grade school.  So, how and why did I come to want to write reviews for books that I’ve read you ask? Well, I love to read the back of books to see if I like them, but sometimes that can be deceiving, but yet nobody can tell me whether or not they have read it or liked it. So, here I am, writing reviews for books that I have read, giving my own opinion and hoping somebody will be able to enjoy the books just as much as I did.

Let me start out by saying I have no degree in English or writing, so there may be grammatical errors and I will be thoughtful of you guys and run a spell check, but stuff happens! All of the Synopsis provided in the blogs will be from the back of the book. I will have an additional comment area for my thoughts and feelings, but be warned this area might be a spoiler if you haven’t read the books. I look forward to receiving feedback from you guys and how I can do things to make them easier for you!

Certain post will be un-related to books as I will be sharing some events with my son, remember, I said he was hilarious!
